explosions on a plane.

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    xdc the doc

    some of those clips are a bit harsh, that clip of the f 14 breaking the sound barrier then exploding 😯

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i went flying today and it was fantastic…….initially flew to 1500ft then practised ascending and descending up to around 3500ft. It was awesome to be flying just below the clouds and in control. 😀

    XDC MadHippy

    My brother has a plane – I’m too scared to go up with him!!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    i’d love to buy a plane………beyond my finances sadly………..still, if i can learn i’d be more than happy to rent by the hour.

    I’ve been having lessons in a microlight recently, hopefully going to go for my NPPL (M) licence; i’ve been flying a eurostar EV97.



    Performance wise its not far off a cesna 152, the rate of climb is approx 1000ft a minute and can cruise along happily at 85mph but can reach 100mph without too much effort.

    I have to say its a real buzz to be in control of an aircraft, i’ve a long way to go yet but i hope this time next year i’l have my licence..then i shall endevour to visit all you peeps in the Northern parts of the UK, perhaps drag pants along if he’s brave enough 😉


    fighter jets or stfu


    @xdc the doc wrote:

    Fuck this I aint flying no more.


    How long will it take to get the boat home?!


    I’ve been up in a privately owned one of these:

    You really know you’re flying in one of thses things.


    fook that.. I could never fly a plane.. I’d be all like “Woah I’m in BF2” and try all sorts of weird and dangerous to health shit!



    talking about controlling things… I have my first driving lesson today… and im bricking it!!


    oooh wouldnt want to take driving lessons in London Turkeylurkey . That must be a bit tougher than the good old less urban trials I had as a yungun. As for WET you can also come and Visit me in Spain you know 😉 nice little plane that eurothingy and could fit in a garage pretty easilly. So how much they retail for?
    And Doc. I may be off to Oz for 2 weeks in February for gigs n interviews you still going to be in the area?. If not we are starting that horror/surf flick at the end on September in Bilbao and I could probably get you a small part in it

    Oh and Munks me old gism your sig takes forever to load! 😉


    I had my first driving lesson on a tractor from my grand pater, about 30 years ago… 😯


    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    I had my first driving lesson on a tractor from my grand pater, about 30 years ago… 😯

    You didn’t learn to drive until you were 20?



    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    Oh and Munks me old gism your sig takes forever to load! 😉

    get a faster internet connection then 🙄


    XDC wild egg tamer

    good idea there spunker, if i ever get my licence then i could indeed fly over to spain assuming i’m allowed in their airspace with that particular licence; i know i can fly into France and i’m hoping that Italy is also within its limits……assuming that side is all good, it once again sadly comes down to finances, to hire the eurostar it’s £75 an hour which is a lot cheaper than hiring a cesna 152 or summat at around £120 and hour. To buy the eurostar ready built its around £45k but as a kit i think you can knock about £10k off that price. Outside my budget i’m afraid so for the foreseeable future its an easyjet flight to Alicante or summat 😉

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