Farking Northerners

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    A chap simply cannot understand a word they say. I think it is high time the govenment sent some English teachers up that way. It is not like they are Scotts or someting, that can be excused for being the hairy heathens that they are, nope. They are supposed to be good honest Englishmen, but they are about as comprehensible as a Welshman with a mouth full of sheep droppings.




    Not that I have anything against Northerners in general, or Mancunians in particular….

    While I perfectly understand that they are too busy down the pits, or in the mills, to be properly house-trained, but that is no excuse for not being able to converse in the mother tongue.

    And as for you Mr Raper of Koalas, you just get back to barrow boy land. Calling me black, just because I am from Africa. Thats plain racist. Farking white boys, you will get you come-uppance

    PS Neon. I need some muscle tomorrow for going up to Manchester. Feel like a road trip? Just feel I might need some protection. Now I will take my cricket bat, but I am afraid it will be nicked before I get a chance to use it in defense.

    XDC wild egg tamer

    take a taxi……..go on you rich bugger, make a cabbies day………could do a special price 😉 I could also interpret for you, having had dealings with most of the unintelligible species on this planet; the Chinese, Japanese, Americans and native Northerners like Geordies, Mancs etc i am well placed to advise such matters.



    Ark at Mr “Use posh voice on phone” instead of normal “WTF you saying foul mouthed potty voice” you sounded like someone who rings up for goatsex with your quiet voice.. anyhoos you’ll need more than Neon and a cricket bat now *shakes fist*


    @=XDC=OldPhart wrote:

    And as for you Mr Raper of Koalas, you just get back to barrow boy land. Calling me black, just because I am from Africa. Thats plain racist. Farking white boys, you will get you come-uppance

    PS Neon. I need some muscle tomorrow for going up to Manchester. Feel like a road trip? Just feel I might need some protection. Now I will take my cricket bat, but I am afraid it will be nicked before I get a chance to use it in defense.

    I thought you were Dutch?

    Shouldn’t you be employing the skillz of the brothers Brown in any en devour regarding muscle? I thought Max was going to be taking over from the lead singer of ‘Right Said Fred’ and jacking in his job in IT?

    I’d love to help out in North vs South brawl, but I’ve unfortunately grazed my elbow and the doctor says I’ve got to take it easy until it heals. Although if Insane is questioning my scraping abilities…

    *Shakes fist*

    crazy hippo

    i would have agreed with you about 5 years ago Pharty. but since then i have lived in Newcastle and the following stories are what happened to me.

    the first day i arrived in the land of the geordie i walked out of the train station, some guys walks up to me and says something to me which i had no idea what he was saying. my response was “no sorry mate i dont live round here”, i carried on walking away and left the guy with an extremely bemused look on his face. it wasnt untill i had walked 200 yards further that i realised he had asked for 24 pence for a bus!

    after about 8 months of living in Newcastle i went back down to sunny London, upon arriving in London i went into WHSmith to get a paper, a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes. the woman behind the counter spoke to me when i got to pay, after the 4th time of her repeating what she was asking the manager came out all angry saying “why cant you understand what she is asking, she only wants to know if you want anything else!” admittedly the woman was an asian but i genuinely had no idea wtf she was asking and it was not me being an arse.


    Well Hippo old chap, when dealing with furriners in London, the standard colonial habbit of waving your hands and talking LOUDLY and SLOWLY does the trick most times. If that does not work, a clip around the ear does wonders for their linguistic abilities.

    However this approach cannot be taken with northerners because they are already supposed to speak English… oh and they are an uncouth lot and may get cross and hit you back. 🙄


    Being from the North i take on board what you say and will give you fair warning that im going to shove that bat of yours where the sun doesnt shine and im not talking about the seaside at Whitley Bay. 😆

    crazy hippo

    the sun does shine in whitley bay, i have seen it there once before!


    OP had a change of heart, he loves us now!


    The north is a complete fucking dump crammed to it’s shit stained rim with tracksuit wearing cretins, fat ugly fucking mongoloid birds and their halfwit, vermin kids.

    Sadly, the trips I’ve made to the South in the past few years strongly indicate that it’s no better.

    Welcome to England.


    @sickofitall wrote:

    The north is a complete fucking dump crammed to it’s shit stained rim with tracksuit wearing cretins, fat ugly fucking mongoloid birds and their halfwit, vermin kids.

    Sadly, the trips I’ve made to the South in the past few years strongly indicate that it’s no better.

    Welcome to England.

    that is indeed the whole country in a nutshell


    😆 😆

    xdc magicker

    rich coming from a bloody illegal immigrant like phart

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