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    A fine Chemical Brothers track and Vid 😀


    you know if you turn the sound off it ain’t too bad 😀

    me wanders off and puts GnR’s Lies on…ah me youth 8)


    G’n’R Lies? Think i had that as a tape when i were a lad… yes …. a TAPE! Is the cover like a newspaper or something? Patience was brilliant, used to love her was a classic too!!

    Had long hair in them days…..HIPPY!!!!!!



    yeah mate thats the one :-

    I used to love her, but I had to kill her
    I had to put her
    Six feet under
    And I can still hear her complain

    I used to love her, but I had to kill her
    I knew I miss her
    So I had to keep her
    She’s buried right in my back yard

    lyrics just don’t get any better than that 8)


    And I can still hear her complain

    ..tell me about it!! Not that ive killed anyone recently.. 😈


    I saw Guns n Roses twice at Wembly stadium Faith no more played also and were also fantastic , Brian may popped in to play with Gnr also and they did we will rock you it was quite a gig 8)


    Faith no more….. epic…. great song.. where is this thread goin?

    Saw AC/DC at NEC… FOOKIN great live!! Angus can play!!!!


    XDC wild egg tamer

    G’n’R at Donnington 1988, i know i’ve mentioned it before but the fact 3 peeps died in a crush to get to the front tells you how awesome they were at that time…and not really that well known on England at that time either!!

    What an amazing gig! David Lee Roth, Kiss, G’n’R, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, helloween (i think) some others i think but my word! what a fecking gig………….and i had long hair then too…….ah, the days! 😀


    Monsters of rock…happy days..didnt like iron maiden tho or megadeth, dont know why… just didnt..Have i found people of a similiar ilke? Roxx gang, Tygertailz, Bang Tango, Hanoi rocks… BTW i am 34 on 3 June..OLD FOOKER!!!!!!!!!!!
    Some of those bands are a bit ‘cock rock’ but when u are young you dont know any better!!

    But they are all better than the so called ‘charts’ pap they churn out. ‘no talent, corporate humpin’, reality show, dog shit teenie bopper, beep bop dance crap, remake/slaughter original shit, so called ‘R n B’ (I love my biatch and my biatch earns me many dollars coz i is a pimp!!!!) bollox, im a white rapper look at me…no dont look at me… oh go on then…fuck u leave me alone..!!!! Manufactured, miming, morons and other ‘M’ words i cant think of………i could go on but i think you get the jist of it!! Anyway..need ..another!!

    Rant over…. deep breath… and relax!!!

    Did i mention James Blunt is a cnut….

    von smallhousen

    @Captain_Chronic wrote:

    I saw Guns n Roses twice at Wembly stadium Faith no more played also and were also fantastic , Brian may popped in to play with Gnr also and they did we will rock you it was quite a gig 8)

    I was at that same gig – june 93, or 95 can’t remember.
    Thats the last time I saw human pyramids – they got to about 5 people high then toppled, I always wondered what happened to the guy at the top that was thrown back 10 rows.

    Soundgarden stole the show, but I do remember Mike Patton from Faith no More climbing onto the scaffold a big screen and spitting in our general direction… memories. 🙄


    Shame no glastonbury this year but I will be there next year 🙂

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