Old Lady Arrested for ‘Assault’

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    This is pathetic.

    Brave grandma arrested after standing up to yobs

    By IAN DRURY, Daily Mail

    22:00pm 4th August 2006

    After months of being taunted by a gang of yobs, grandmother Diane Bond finally stood up to them when she was abused while walking her pet dog. During a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse, the frail 64-year-old prodded the teenager ringleader gently in the stomach when he urged her to “Hit me, if you dare”.

    Moments later, the 5ft 1ins pensioner found herself flat on her back and nursing a broken arm after the 15-year-old boy, who was 7 inches taller, pushed her to the ground. But to add insult to injury, police officers arrested her for assaulting a child after his mother moaned he had been attacked.

    Now Mrs Bond must report to a police station 30 miles from her home in Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales, at the end of the month to find out if she will be charged. Last night the retired lab technician spoke of her distress. “I am in shock and very, very teary,” she said.

    “I have never been in any trouble before. I just want to enjoy my evenings walking my dog in peace. I am being treated like a criminal because a gang of yobs have nothing better to do than pick on an old lady.”

    Residents of her quiet street have complained to the police and council for several months about youths causing anti-social behaviour. In the latest letter to Powys County Council in June, residents said they had suffered an “endless stream” of damage to property and cars, intimidation, vandalism, noise and rubbish being hurled into gardens by up to 30 youths aged 11 to 17.

    Signed by 35 fed-up people, it added: “Collectively, we are sick and tired of the situation and our frustration is now close to boiling over.”

    Things finally came to a head when Mrs Bond, who has two children and five grandchildren, took her terrier Hettie for a walk on parkland near her home. She said a group of about 20 teenagers were loitering on the grass. Three others were standing on a path, deliberately blocking her way.

    “As I approached they started shouting abuse at me,” she said. “They were taunting me and crowding round me and I was quite frightened because they are big kids.

    “After a while one of them, whose name is Billy, spread his arms out wide to show his stomach, and said, Come on, old lady, hit me, if you dare.”

    “I gave him three prods, almost like playful punches, not hard at all, and next thing I knew I was lying on the ground and I had broken my arm. One youth said I had been pushed.

    “I went back home, shaking and crying.”

    Soon after, two police officers knocked on Mrs Bond’s door and arrested her on suspicion of assaulting a minor. “It seemed the lad had told his mum what had happened and she had immediately lodged a complaint of assault,” she said.

    Mrs Bond, who lives alone, was cautioned and interviewed for nearly three hours by police officers before she was released on bail at about 1.30am.

    She has now made a counter-allegation to the police of assault against the youth. But she added: “This sends out the message that if you stand up for yourself, if you try to take action to stop anti-social behaviour, you are likely to end up being arrested.”

    Earlier this year, Prime Minister Tony Blair said communities had to stand up to yobs in the fight against nuisance behaviour. Mrs Bond’s neighbour Steve Simmons, who co-ordinates the Nelson Street – An End To Anti-Social Behaviour campaign group, said: “Diane is a reasonable law-abiding citizen and she has been treated like a criminal for standing up to yobs when the authorities would not.

    “It is bewildering. The Government says communities should look after themselves and take a stance against anti-social behaviour. But when we do try to take action, what is the first thing that happens? The blame is put on us.”

    In May, grandmother Brenda Robinson, 66, of Bournemouth, spent a night in a police cell after being arrested for alleged assault when she gave a rowdy youth a “clip round the ear”.

    She acted after being abused, pushed and threatened with a plank of wood. Roger Williams, Liberal Democrat MP for Brecon and Radnorshire, said: “I would have expected the police to have acted slightly more proportionately than arresting Mrs Bond over this.

    “It must have been a frightening situation for an elderly lady to be confronted by a gang of yobs, especially in an area with a history of anti-social behaviour, without the police compounding the problem.”

    Chief Inspector Steve Hughson, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said: “We are aware of the problems in Nelson Street and associated anti-social behaviour.

    “Recent patrols in the area by the neighbourhood policing team have greatly reduced incidents of crime and anti social behaviour, to the extent that positive comments have been received by local residents. Therefore patrols will continue.”

    The force declined to comment on Mrs Bond’s arrest.

    Taken from the Daily Mail.

    I like the way that a 15 year old boy can knock a grandmother to the ground and his mother calls the cops on the old woman. Scum breeding scum by the sound of it.

    My grandad’s told me a few times what the law used to be like when he was a young man. Boys like the 15 year old granny-basher above would have recieved a severe kicking from his dad, or from the old ladies family, whoever got there first basically. If a copper had walked past and seen what was happening he’d have turned a blind eye.

    These days even fighting back is a offence.


    I’m going to be controversial and say – it was her own fault!!!

    Here’s the thing. These vermin are just spineless cowards, they’re never going to get involved in any trouble without the odds stacked overwhelmingly in their favour. If that means twatting an oap then that’s better for them – you’d have to be pretty damn shit soft to lose in a fight to a 60 year old woman!

    I know this from first hand experience. I confronted a group of about 7 18-23 year olds a few months ago who were being abusive to people and tried to tell em to leave people be. 2 minutes later a car pulls up and another 5 or so jump out and despite my best efforts, I got absolutely leathered! Now, I’m not as spritely as I used to be and the alcohol that permanently seems to reside in my system probably dulled my reactions but even in my heyday I’d have struggled to fight off 12 people.

    The only positive I take from it is that I must have looked so damn hard that the 7 or so that I confronted initially must have thought they needed help to get the better of me.

    Simple fact is, like me, this old lady had a choice. Stand up to the vermin and live with the consequences, or just take the abuse and walk away. The problem you’ve got is that if you are going to be one of the people who stand up to them you have to know that 99% of people won’t lift a finger to help and you’ll be doing it on your own. It can leave you in a pretty hopeless position if things go tits up.

    The days when people brawled fairly and left the wimmin and pensioners out of it are gone. Honestly, this oap is lucky. Just a broken arm. It could have been a lot worse.

    Come on now people – let’s get this into the argument section!

    XDC wild egg tamer


    did she use a rythmn stick ?

    Joking aside this is exactly the reason why we need to start steralising these breeding scum! Take them out of the circle completely so that the bloodline is defunct as much as possible.
    I really hope that the family of this old dear get hold of the little shit and beat him to within an inch of his shitty little life, hopefully society will see sense and introduce a lethal injection for scum like this and finish him off, he’s never gonna get any better, probably never be an asset to society but rather a parasite so why bother keeping people like him alive……….fuck them all off to hell! 👿

    As for the police, i guess they have to act on information received however distasteful but i’d like to think that at some point when they turn up to a kid like this getting a good battering from a disgruntled family member they will be particular in what they see 😉


    I don’t think it was the initial poke by the pensioner that is the problem. Good on her for having the balls to poke the little shit. She was probably aware of the potential consequences of being hit or whatever, but just felt that a line had to be drawn.

    The absurdity here is that little shit runs back to his mum who reports her to the police. That’s absurdity number 1. Absurdity number 2 is that the cops actually went around to the pensioner, rather than telling scum mum to piss off.

    So, getting pushed to the ground was her own fault. Getting arrested was not.

    A few years ago in Wolverhampton, where I happened to be living for a bit, there was a big fuss once over a similar incident. Old pensioner bloke – late 60’s I think – walking down the road. Gets set upon by two youths – one with a knife. “Unfortunately” youths did not realise that this pensioner was an ex-para who still kept himself fit. The end result is two twatted would-be muggers, and an old guy who was just minding his own business being arrested for assualt. There was such an outcry in the local papers that the charges were dropped.


    Well, if I was surrounded by a bunch of Yardies who were acting in an unpleasant manner I’d probably refrain from punching any of them. So the old lady did set herself up for a kicking.

    However, here’s what I would of imagined would have happened if I’d been that 15 year old boy:

    Neon: “Hi mum. I’m home. Sorry I’m late, but me and some friends beat up and old lady and I broke her arm.”

    Neon’s Mum: “You did WHAT?!?!”

    Neon: “She attacked me first mum! We all crowded around her and were, you know, shouting and swearing at her, and stopping her from going anywhere. Then out of the blue she punched me in the stomach! I mean, did I deserve that?”

    Neon’s Mum: “You did WHAT?!?!”

    Neon: “Yeah I know. So it was self defence really. Luckily I had 20 of my mates surrounding her or I might not be talking to you now.

    Neon’s Mum: “I’m calling the police.”

    Neon: “Yeah. Good idea mum. We’d better press charges against that crazy old woman. The sooner we get old ladies like that off the street the sooner it’ll be safer for gangs of young men to harass people. I got off lightly this time, but the next gang of 20 thugs she attacks might not get off so lightly.”

    Neon’s Mum: “Hello police? My son and his friends just terrorised and beat up an old lady. Can you send a couple of policemen round to give him a bloody good kicking?”

    I cannot think of any way you could possibly say to a group of mates “so I broke this old ladies arm” and not be considered scum. There’s no way you can tell that story and make it sound like you were in the right. What kind of home can he come from that thinks breaking an old ladies arms is alright? Hopefully if this goes to court they’ll book the mother for wasting police time.


    Actually, I just read back my post and it might have come across that I was saying the old woman deserved it, which wasn’t what I was trying to say. I think she had a right to believe that she wouldnt have her arm broken for standing up for herself, but unfortunately these scum don’t seem to have a conscience about this kind of thing.

    The sad thing is that him and his mates all probably feel nails after breaking that defenceless old womans arm.

    I didn’t comment on the charges raised against her because that sounded like the journalists selling papers. If the police got a complaint they are obliged to investigate it but there’s no way you could make that assault charge against the oap fly. The CPS would never prosecute her (he says now only to be proved long later when our absolute fucking joke of a legal systems sends her down).

    To illustrate my point, here’s a picture of a monkey on a bike

    XDC wild egg tamer

    Seems mental that the mother doesn’t see it as her duty to castigate her son but rather feels incensed that an old lady had the balls to stand up for herself so has her charged, my folks would have dragged me to the old dears house and given me a good hiding in front of her, then would have each beaten the shite out of me when they got me home…..sounds harsh but i wouldn’t have done it again.

    Guess its a fucked up World now…. 😥


    Bring back flogging and public exykewshun I say.


    Im just worried that Neon is reading the daily mail
    tut tut 🙄


    @=XDC=sPUNKer wrote:

    Im just worried that Neon is reading the daily mail
    tut tut 🙄

    Heh. No, that would be a crime.

    I must say that this film is looking more and more appealing:


    I used to read a blog which was written by a policeman up in Newcastle. He explained the day to day crap that they have to go through in order for the government to say that they solve more crimes. Apparently the best ones for this are domestic violence calls. Wife rings the police – Her husband has hit her. Husband rings the police – his wife hit him. Policeman goes around takes statements, gets the couple to calm down. They both admit punching each other, but don’t want to press charges.

    This means that in an hour the policeman has solved two crimes.

    Forget the time wasted on the dullards who punch each other, how much it’s cost the taxpayer and the fact that the copper could have been doing something more productive, two crimes have been solved. The policeman who wrote the blog thought is was a complete waste of his time, but he has to do it because that’s how they get graded.


    PMSL @ Monkey on a bike pic!

    *edit* – Oh yeah.. kill the yardy scum! OAP’s should have tazers these days to protect themselves.. or guns.. but they’d probably shoot emselves if they did


    This makes me SO mad 👿

    Same thing happened to me about about 2years ago. I was taunted by some drunken 14-15 yr old punks, and I snapped. I grabbed one by the throat and slammed him up against a wall! Oopssss…. anyway, 8 months later, yes, 8 fuckin’ months, I got a knock on the door. It was the cops, who promptly arrested me for assault. I was taken to court, and almost recieved a prison term. I am still serving a Probation sentence at the moment!

    Lesson: Avoid anti-social punks, do not confront. Easier said than done…

    Politacal Correctness gone maddddddd, I tells ya’.


    Stuff like this is just so wrong

    Has to be said if a bunch of lads started taunting me I must admit that I doubt i’d be able to just walk away. Just not in my nature.

    Lets face it the laws a joke. Just look at the term for those anit-social behaviour oders. They are not anti social – they are criminals. Why water down what the little shits do by inventing a more PC phrase for them. Some day a government seriously needs to get some balls and do something.


    @MaNSLaUgHtEr wrote:

    This makes me SO mad 👿

    Same thing happened to me about about 2years ago. I was taunted by some drunken 14-15 yr old punks, and I snapped. I grabbed one by the throat and slammed him up against a wall! Oopssss….

    Aww m8 from your photo you looked the shy and retiring type… 😉

    @MaNSLaUgHtEr wrote:

    Lesson: Avoid anti-social punks, do not confront. Easier said than done…

    Yeah but I bet the little bastard learnt his lesson though…



    @Wipers wrote:

    @MaNSLaUgHtEr wrote:

    This makes me SO mad 👿

    Same thing happened to me about about 2years ago. I was taunted by some drunken 14-15 yr old punks, and I snapped. I grabbed one by the throat and slammed him up against a wall! Oopssss….

    Aww m8 from your photo you looked the shy and retiring type… 😉

    Yeah, I have to admit on that day I did adhere to all the ‘tattooed skinhead’ stereotypes…. 😕

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