Ok I think its time to review the map rotation on the server. Northern Strike good though it is (and it is possibly the best booster we’ve had from any of the BF series) is getting a bit tiresome in the current all NS rotation.
We have 3 choices then:
1) Keep things the way they are with the XDC server as exclusively Northern Strike
2) Mix and match the best maps from NS and vanilla
3) Revert to a vanilla rotation, keeping NS for special occassions (ie never seen on the server again ๐ ).
So what are peoples thoughts?
1 & 2 will obviously shut out those who have not bought NS so I’m keen to hear from anyone who is going to be in that situation. The server is probably popular enough to run exclusively as NS but boredom will set in. With a mixed rotation from past experience we run the risk of dumping people off the server when it switches to a NS map. And if we go back to all vanilla we won’t hear the end of how people were fleeced out of รฦรโรยขรขโยฌร
ยกรฦรขโฌลกรโรยฃ6 and we never get to play the booster etc etc.
Personally I think we should try a mixed rotation, starting on a NS map so it fills up with people with the booster pack, and advertising the fact its a mixed rotation with ingame server messages. If we go that route then we need to think of what maps we would want and what could be left out.