Something about registration

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  • #17450

    I wasn’t about for Legit making an utter cock (rather than complete cock, with his motor bike bullshit) of himself, but I do feel that the current system of registration is detrimental to our forums. If it was me joining I just couldn’t be arsed with waiting for an admin to verify my account, a site like this just doesn’t warrant it. We’re turning people away imho. We need to be open and deal with twats in the way we always have, with wit.

    Fuck legit, and if your password can be guessed by a twat like him, change it now!


    The boss has spoken!


    Nice to see you back in the land of the living alzir!

    I do agree with you to a point as I rarely went on the rats forum as it is the same, but then once signed up I have been on much more often as things to see on it now!


    Cunt chops would just rejoin and trawl through the forums to find something to get it shut down. Given that Magicker? (I think it was him) had more at stake than just this forum it seems a bit risky.


    aye very true indeed.. unfortunatly


    I agree with Matt. How many people have we had register AND post since we locked it down? Legit has had a victory of sorts and the fourms are just not the same.

    We should sort out any dodgy material in the publics then open it up again. Sure he will reregister but fuck him. We can ban him as soon as he posts. He will soon get tired.


    @Wipers wrote:

    We can ban him as soon as he posts. He will soon get tired.

    You don’t need to ban him mate, just make sure all his posts are set to Moderate so they will only appear in the thread once approve by a Forum Admin. 😉

    xdc magicker

    while i appreciate where you are coming from there are a few things to consider

    1) when someone signs up for the forum they have no idea that the last stage will be a manual registration therefore there is nothing to put people off from joining.
    2) we get about 1 sign up per fortnight most of which are authed straight away unless i have reason to be suspicious
    3) we have never allowed guest posts so anyone who ever read the forum needed to join anyway
    4) the only audience we have lost is readers

    having said that we can go back to the way things were if we can clear out most of the blatantly illegal stuff – we will always have xdc:chat section to put anything like that in

    have a collective think…


    perhaps just remove the shpeel on the front page and set it back to how it was? dont make a song and dance about it.
    LeGit WILL eventually return, will get pissed off at being ignored and will probably try some stupid stunt again but if that is the price for not registering then so be it.


    will get pissed off at being ignored

    Not everyone ignores the tool though, regardless of what he posts 🙁

    xdc magicker


    Am i right in thinking that part of the new server deal is some webspace?

    if so can you give me the details of what the package includes?

    I am not happy about exposing my server to some twat with a grudge as I have too many commercial interests running on this server to risk any down time. If the new server package includes webspace (including php and mysql) then we can transfer to that and have it as open as you like.


    If we do open back up, we’ll have to take the policing load off Andy and police our selves to post some stuff in XDC chat.
    saying that I would not be oposed to letting non XDC in that one section, ie 7DR as we are the Carpenters


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:


    Am i right in thinking that part of the new server deal is some webspace?

    if so can you give me the details of what the package includes?

    I am not happy about exposing my server to some twat with a grudge as I have too many commercial interests running on this server to risk any down time. If the new server package includes webspace (including php and mysql) then we can transfer to that and have it as open as you like.

    Mag, I have been thinking along those lines too because we get a huge chunk of web space, I cannot remember the details but will check later.

    Question is, who will run/admin/look after the site. I would be delighted if you carry on, but I know it is a pain for you as it is. Thing is, I am clueless with web stuff and also a fooking busy bloke. If you do not want the headache, we need a responsible volunteer…..

    What does Insane do all day except surf the interwibble for animal art?

    XDC wild egg tamer

    probably not much else pharty, but is he responsible ?

    😉 luv ya really saney!! 😀


    Once the site is set up and running, we only need to police the public section.
    So we only need 3 or 4 regulars to keep an eye on things and if anything suspect is posted move it into private (for discusion) or delete straight away (legit or kiddy porn).
    We did it this way before I can not see why we cannot do it again.
    I’ll chuck my hat into the ring.

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