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First time I’ve seen that.
It pretty much sums up the game. Broke 🙁
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantWill be interesting to see what xbox one owners think of it (and other first assault dlc maps) , since they get it weeks before anyone else. 🙄 Timed exclusives for consoles in bf games 🙁
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantWell todays play was a friggin nightmare. Not one full game before a crash until I updated .net. Might be coincidence but played 2 games and no crash (it was the BF not responding crash) so fingers crossed.
Game still feel very ‘clunky’ and the animations feel awful but I think i will have to accept that its my systm and I’m stuck with it. Its odd as I have dropped setting till I get good fps 70-100 but still not as smooth as bf3.
Had a bit TDM and the m416 is still my little baby 😀
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantTempted to buy just to give the full release a go and see if its playable ….. oh so ******* jealous
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantReally nice setup and you never know Mantle might actually deliver the goods so even more ‘free’ performance to come in December.
Wonder how much money BF games have cost Max sine BF1942…… We all remember the 8800gtx ultra 😯 *
*certain it was Max that bought that card
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantMy q9550 just doesn’t cut it. BF4 can max out i5’s easy going off other benchmarks.
Ah well between it and my 6950 they had a good run 😀
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantEven after latest patch its not looking good.
Frames Time (ms) Min Max Avg
3282 86861 23 58 37.785But it plays even worse than those figures suggest. Basically its like walking through treacle wearing ice skates 😀
Will try and get on for a bit longer and test again for longer than a few 6 mins fraps tests.
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantAs far as I can tell its basically what BF players were expecting BF3 to be. Hopefully they patch it and allow use of the commander function so we can see if they have implemented it well.
The Beta is obviously an old build so cross your fingers that EA/dice don’t/haven’t changed too many things before the final release. Going off the beta i’ve not bought it yet as it doesn’t run near well enough, and no chance of an upgrade.
Will take a huge amount of improvement in fps/stuttering to make it worth purchasing. I even jumped into bf3 to double check my computer was ok. Bullets start working again and no stutter so computer is fine. Think my hardware might have met its match 🙁 Roll on patch/final release.
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantI’ve had to give up. If the beta gets a patch I’ll try again.
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantRed is displayed if you drop below 50 FPS. If your FPS is in the red, playability may be affected.
I haven’t seen any other colour !
In and around 33 fps. Think I saw it hit 48 fps once but I might have misread it 😀 Constant drops to 2 – 12 fps and plays like its sub 20fps.
Its an awful unplayable stuttering mess. Going to run some system logs and run around a bit and see whats recorded.
Safe bet my old intel quad 9550 and 6950 gpu have met their match.
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantHardcore 😀
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantlol occa, all that bunny hopping mate 🙂 Their server is usually fine when on normal but as said theres a few entertaining members.
One thing with spawning on Max is you will always spawn in the thick of it ! That and the fecker nicks all your kills 🙄
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantA good few getting it that’s good 🙂
Lammie Para’s server is usually good (not keen on vehicle only as it just becomes sniper heaven and gunmaster has never appealed) Poum is always entertaining 😀
Will be much better if we can at least fill a few squads in game. Not that Max ever does as he’s told 😀
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantIts just random mate 🙁
Didn’t get one either, but not missing much with half a level and no textures.
Think full beta is for all premium members(?) so will wait till then.
XDCFluffyBunnyParticipantIt comes as no surprise but I missed why Turks was extradited?