Battlefield 1943

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    Think this has just been announced – according to Eurogamer

    Yugli yugli and all that bollocks.

    (Also BF Bad Co 2 you’ll see – if that’s what you’re into)” onclick=”;return false;

    Anyhow, thought you might be interested. Suit yourselves.


    BF1943 could be interesting 😀 Man i miss those days of Gazala and Bocage!

    XDC wild egg tamer

    oh my fucking God!!!!!

    i think i’m about to have a sex wee……………………………………

    yay yay yay yay

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    wtf!!! it’s a “stopgap” game ?

    How about making it full blown battlefield 3 ffs ?

    official site:-” onclick=”;return false;

    feeling sad now…….looks like EA/DICE are concentrating on BFBC2 for consoles and giving pc owners a kick in the nuts!


    for the console chaps:-″ onclick=”;return false;


    sweet – market garden, bocage truly great maps


    grrrr its like a tease 👿
    sort of looks like they are checking the water to see how popular the bf series still is. At least with the ww2 that everyones been wishing for. Think I’ll still succumb to getting it tho

    XDC wild egg tamer

    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    sweet – market garden, bocage truly great maps

    errrr, it’s only the 3 pacific maps as far as i can tell…and only a max of 20 players online 😕


    Holy flurkin Schnit! .. would have been my initial reaction, however I continued to read on.. and now it’s ghey!

    Maybe its a stop gap before that cartoony pile of free crap is out (unless it is already)

    I bet theres a 1944, 45 etc till they’ve basically remade BF1942 but for extra cost!

    piss and shit, It looks sexual as feck n all (albeit thats a console trailer if ever I’ve seen one) and brings back memories

    Might have to dust off the old J/Stick


    Same as everyone else

    At first i thought about time, but when you read more its looking like a possible piss take by EA to bump their £’s up for the least amount of effort.

    We want BF3 made for the PC 🙄

    Having said that if its cheap enough (or popular enough amongst XDC) then i’ll still buy it 🙂

    XDC wild egg tamer
    Participant” onclick=”;return false;

    unlimited ammo and auto health!! 😕


    I really cant believe that EA could be so stupid. Its like they couldnt even afford a room full of monkeys to come up with something so retarded!
    who the hell are they aiming this at? definitley not the original fans that have been begging for this as once they play a few times they will get so wound up that no amount of eye candy is going to do it for them.
    WTF EA I’m friggin mad I am! 👿
    step 01 : BF1942 (amazing!)
    step 02 : BF Vietnam (good ideas too limited to one theatre)
    step 03 : BF2 (more good tactical ideas, not what the fans wanted but a good sign for the future?)
    step 04 : BF2142 (wtf? getting farther and farther away from the fans but good tactical game all the same, still waiting)
    step 05 : BF bad co ( aesthetic improvement back to step 3 for the fans tho)
    step -1 : BF1943 (long awaited by the fans completely dissapointed by the fans unless it gets its shit together)

    any way we can get some sort of petition to EA about what the fans actually want? then perhaps they can hire some real monkeys to get it done


    about fuggin time…..might even upgrade the pc for this !

    xdc magicker

    god i hope they dont screw this up

    does it have squads????


    @=xdc= magicker wrote:

    god i hope they dont screw this up

    does it have squads????

    by the looks of things theyve done away with specific classes leaving 3 that have more or less the same abilities… squads? … pffffff 🙄 😕

    xdc magicker

    ffs how hard can it be? All we want is:
    Bf1942 + gfx refresh + squads
    Thats it you dont even need to make new maps the old ones will do.


    Its like they couldnt even afford a room full of monkeys to come up with something so retarded


    anyhoos, back to being 👿

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