The damn lag on the titan maps is really putting me off titan mode! JUst played verdun titan on our server and the lag was impossible, had 2 kicks and 1 ctd, i’m starting to be put off from playing the damn game which is a shame as i’m really enjoying it.
I hope the next patch goes some way to address these issues.
I noticed the titan lag last night, never had it before. My player was jerking abiut and I couldn’t stand still in one spot, it kept kicking me out to the centre of the cargo bay – rather annoying
i’ve been having real bad lag today…………only seems to be in the titan maps though! Also on one map i fell through the floor of the titan and ended up in the core room!!! Was quite entertaining watching peeps come in to blow the consoles only to see me standing there unable to shoot or anything!
You know when you stand on top of a vehicle you get blown off? It’s the same deal, but you’re getting blown off the titan and even when you throw grenades they’re being blown back too….
Sloppy coding on DICE’s part, but bleh what would we expect after 2 broken games 🙄
best advice i can give is to do what i now do – find an assault only server and play there. The game engine obviously con’t cope with the titans which would make a ‘titan mode’ pointless.