surprise surprise…..booster pack announced!

Home Forums XDC Gaming Battlefield 2142 surprise surprise…..booster pack announced!

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  • #15784
    XDC wild egg tamer

    Do you think perhaps letting the EA bods know about the “Give maps away for free and pay for classes/weapons etc” idea… They probably wont take a blind bit of notice, but it seems to me to be the best of both… I reckon if I got a brand new map for free, and some git was shooting me with a hydro foil samo flecker V253.32df3, and I didnt have the required Kroton F5 Magna particle shield add on, to stop getting killed, I would probably spend the £4 or what ever it is on the upgrade… its basically free advertising to those who wouldnt buy it anyway.

    Obviously there is the problem of what happens if a new army is included, but you could always make those who havent got the pack have to play on the side that was already there… and the rest go on the new side… see… Im thinking on my feet!

    Just an idea but… if an email was sent with a load of signatures saying that they werent going to buy the pack unless this idea was addressed, but attach player tags, so that EA can check that WE MEAN DA BUSINESS!”, then perhaps that would get through to them!

    Anyhoo, im going to stop typing out of my bottom, and get on with some work!


    Hmm not sure about this? I mean I hate what AF and EF did to BF2 but at the same time I’ve really been enjoying 2142 (even more than the BF2) so am already thinking Ill probably pick it up.

    I like Turks idea though about free maps.


    Buy it if you have a regular server to play on.. we’ll have it on for an hour or 2.. then back to norm

    save ya pennies! 😀


    Meh. I might buy it for the unlocks, but that’s probably all I’d get out of it. Young Turks has a good idea with the maps suggestion, but I wonder how you’d implement the other parts of the pack? It’s a bit like road to Jalalalabalabad. It was a free map and a pretty good one so suddenly it was on every server. EF and AF didn’t work ‘cos not everyone could play them, so using them in a server rotation was risky.

    Here’s my suggestions as to what should go in a booster pack:

    1) New Class – Commander: Giving you a total of 5 different classes, the commander class would be ommit a rifle or heavy weapon for a large calibre pistol, or the engineers’ SMG. He would have unlocks that would speed up the rate at which his toys would recharge, maybe a cloaking device similar to the recon kit which he could use whilst viewing the battlefield and perhaps access to a new toy like a laser satellite which could be used to take out individual targets, like snipers.

    2) More weapon unlocks – For all classes, more unlocks like heavier armour, guideable parachutes, etc.

    3) Extra Vehicle weapons – How about giving you a choice of rounds in the tank, so you can select between Armour Piercing and HE? Giving the gunships a choice between Air to Surface and Air to Air missiles? You could select them in the same way that you change weapons when on foot.

    4) New Maps – Yeah. I know, but what I’d do is give the people who brought the booster the new maps earlier than anybody else. i.e. The maps will be released in a general patch 2 months later. That way, the die hards could have a go on the maps before anybody else.


    I will not be paying for them…

    Not even one……. Not even if the whole world buys it and they get a aimbot as a bonus


    you tight bastards, im getting it.


    Shock Horror!


    No point in getting it. Result will be same as all the BF extras. New map comes on, server empties


    stop being gheys


    Its not about being gheys.. its about having a brain and using it 😀


    I hope this is the case:
    ‘Last but not least we strived to incorporate the booster pack with the original game. Rather than having booster pack players gather on one server and original game players on another we wanted to allow booster pack owners to enjoy certain parts of the new content while playing the core game. ‘

    So maybe *fingers crossed* they’ve actually listened to the feedback from last time?


    Last but not least we strived to incorporate the booster pack with the original game. Rather than having booster pack players gather on one server and original game players on another we wanted to allow booster pack owners to enjoy certain parts of the new content while playing the core game. ‘

    Thats good if true.. but they wouldnt make as much money if they did this.. not as much if everyone had to buy it to play on a specific server 😀

    XDC wild egg tamer

    it still won’t change the fact that if you haven’t got the booster pack and the map changes to a booster map on the server then your out of there………i’m really not sure about getting this booster pack only to play it half a dozen times then forget it ever existed…………its not for the cost, heck a fiver or a tenner ain’t exactly gonna make a difference to my lifestyle but its the point that i won’t get to play it as much as i’d like to……much like EF or AF……..or like insane and a woman


    @=XDC=MADMAX wrote:

    you tight bastards, im getting it.

    Look at that, mention an aimbot and thats the reply u get!!

    I like the incorporating idea – and i think they might have realised that the stand alone add on just doesn’t work (as they must have noticed this trend as its been going on since road to rome let alone the more recent spec ops/AF etc)

    The bottom line is ALWAYS the driving force and more ppl will pay for an add on that can be used on any server instead of needing a seperate one to play on… so as long as thats the case im in.

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