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    Remember Pod, crazy Dutch dude? Well I just been sorting out all the clan payments over the last 4 years and saw one he made and it got me thinking as to where he is , whats up etc.

    If anyone has heard from him let me know. His RL name was Pim 8)

    XDC wild egg tamer

    not seem him for ages mate…….not seen much of you either!

    How are things ? hows the kiddie ? Still living in W8 ?


    Hi Stef, still in W8, not sure for how much longer…….

    Been busy with family and such like. Been off for 2 weeks after 2nd hernia op so trying to catch up on outstanding paperwork and the like, hence sorting out the clan stuff so I can reimburse those that overpaid (or at least shut Insane up)

    Hows cab life? Often keep an eye out for a Dwarf Geppetto but not spotted you 🙂


    Just found him on Facebook 😈


    He popped into IRC a few weeks back, and I saw that he had stuck his head into TS at some godforsaken hour one night I forgot to log out of it. Anyway he’s still travelling quite a bit, and says he doesn’t get a lot of time for games atm, but I’m sure he suggested he might be tempted back into something. He still reads here from time to time, just doesn’t post much because of time restraints etc.

    Anyway, just another example of how IRC is useful 😉


    I am here :-), checking the forums almost daily.

    However more or less topped playing when I found myself most of the nights alone on teamspeek, more than half the fun for me is the banter with all the loonies in XDC, not much of a solo-player.
    Also I saw a lot of guys moving to consoles, and I have tried both PS3 and Wii but didn’t find it compelling, wont touch anything doing with Microsoft as long as I can avoid it with a 10-ft pole.

    Last week while leaving for a business trip to sub-sharan africa, bought the new CoD at the airport and actually have installed it as well. Will see if I can get on TS and start playing again, however it definitely wont be on a daily basis, real life in the current economical circumstances is very demanding.

    BTW, anyone interested in Google Wave invites? send your gmail addy to podski at gmail dot com


    Install BF2 POD

    Good to hear from you mate.


    got it installed, so I guess you lot are still playing this?


    I am on when I get a chance 🙂

    Hi Btw 🙂


    Hi again Pod .
    I always knew this clan was not dead. It just hibernates a lot! 😉


    😀 Hey POD !!! I am trying to play bf2 , still have crappo connection tho lol WB m8 😀

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